Hello, the steps to use an electric torsion wrench are as follows:
1. 准备工作:确认电动扭剪扳手是否充电,检查配件是否齐全。
1. Preparation: Confirm whether the electric torsion wrench is charged and check if the accessories are complete.
2. 安装剪刀头:将剪刀头插入电动扭剪扳手的夹口中,确保剪刀头固定牢固。
2. Install the scissors head: Insert the scissors head into the clamp of the electric torsion wrench to ensure that the scissors head is firmly fixed.
3. 调节扭力:根据需要,调节电动扭剪扳手的扭力大小。
3. Adjusting torque: Adjust the torque of the electric shear wrench as needed.
4. 开始使用:将电动扭剪扳手的剪刀头放置在需要剪切的材料上,按下扳手开关开始工作。剪刀头会自动旋转,剪断材料。
4. Start using: Place the scissors head of the electric torsion shear wrench on the material that needs to be cut, and press the wrench switch to start working. The scissors head will automatically rotate to cut the material.
5. 结束使用:使用完毕后,将电动扭剪扳手关闭,并将剪刀头从夹口中取出。
5. End of use: After use, close the electric shear wrench and remove the shear head from the clip.

Precautions for use:
1. 在使用前,务必确认电动扭剪扳手是否充电,并检查配件是否齐全。
Before use, be sure to confirm whether the electric torsion wrench is charged and check if the accessories are complete.
2. 在使用过程中,保持电动扭剪扳手和剪刀头的清洁和干燥。
2. During use, keep the electric torque wrench and scissors head clean and dry.
3. 在剪切材料时,要注意,避免手部接触剪刀头。
3. When cutting materials, pay attention to safety and avoid hand contact with the scissors head.
4. 在使用过程中,如果发现电动扭剪扳手有异常,应及时停止使用并联系售后服务。
During use, if any abnormalities are found with the electric torsion wrench, it should be stopped in a timely manner and after-sales service should be contacted.
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