Steel structure bolt is a kind of high-strength bolt, which is also a kind of standard parts. The fastening performance is relatively good. It is used in steel structure and engineering to make the fastening effect.
Steel structure bolts are divided into torsional shear high-strength bolts and large hexagon high-strength bolts. Large hexagon high-strength bolts belong to the high-strength grade of ordinary screws, while torsional shear high-strength bolts are the improved type of large hexagon high-strength bolts for better construction
钢结构螺栓的施工需要先初紧后终紧,初紧钢结构螺栓需用冲击型电动扳手或扭矩可调电动扳手;而终紧钢结构螺栓有严格的要求,终紧扭剪型钢结构螺栓需要用扭剪型电动扳手,终紧扭矩型钢结构螺栓需要用扭矩型电动扳手.大六角钢结构螺栓 由一个螺栓,一个螺母,两个垫圈组成
The construction of steel structure bolts requires initial tightening before final tightening. The initial tightening of steel structure bolts requires impact electric wrench or torque adjustable electric wrench; The final tightening of steel structure bolts has strict requirements. The final tightening of torsion shear steel structure bolts needs to use torsion shear electric wrench, and the final tightening of torque steel structure bolts needs to use torque electric wrench The large hexagonal structural bolt is composed of one bolt, one nut and two washers

When the end face of the nut is in contact with the end face of the workpiece, the resistance moment rises sharply, and the transferred spiral groove makes the ball move backward with the active impact block to overcome the friction and the pressure of the working spring, so that the teeth meshed between the active impact block and the driven impact block are disengaged. At this time, the driven impact block does not move, but the driving part impact block continues to move backward. After turning the teeth of the driven impact block, the active impact block moves forward instantaneously due to the action of the working spring, and an angular acceleration is generated along the spiral groove. The active impact block strikes the driven impact block, and the two teeth collide. Then the spiral groove moves the ball and the active impact block backward and out of engagement. In this way, collisions occur again and again to obtain the required impact torque and tighten the nut.
If the power switch is turned to the reverse position, the nut can be screwed out. The double insulated single-phase series excitation electric wrench is equipped with positive and negative switch knobs "R" and "L" on the operating handle. When the knob is turned to R, the start switch can tighten the bolt, and when the knob is turned to L, the start switch can loosen the bolt.
The above is the detailed introduction of torsion shear electric wrench. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service