1、 Reduce costs
Facing the future, technology is a good ally in minimizing the expenses of industrial companies. The integration of digital technology leads to the transformation of programs and the digitization of documents, resulting in the optimization of the overall process. Therefore, unnecessary expenses are reduced, thereby reducing labor costs.
In addition, digitization enables companies to calculate and estimate costs infinitely more accurately, ensuring that budgets are controlled. In addition, it also eliminates and / or replaces unnecessary tasks in the process, thereby improving their efficiency. This efficiency translates into time savings, resulting in more cost-effective production.
2、 Decentralized production
工业数字化转型为公司提供了完全远程监控系统,因此生产可以继续独立运作。这意味着,在 Covid-19 等特殊情况下,数字化公司不必停止甚放慢其生产链。这些系统可以不间断地工作,并且每周工作的时间比任何工人都要多。
Industrial digital transformation provides the company with a complete remote monitoring system, so production can continue to operate independently. This means that in special cases such as covid-19, digital companies do not have to stop or even slow down their production chain. These systems can work continuously and work more hours a week than any worker.
In addition, digitization improves the flexibility and responsiveness of the methodology. For example, if there is a problem in the production plant, a warning will be automatically sent, and the problem will be handled regardless of the date, time or whether someone is present at that time.
3、 Improve efficiency and productivity
智能产品连接使设备能够互连和进行机器对机器 (M2M) 通信。这使他们能够做出分散的决策。对于许多任务,公司不再需要员工始终在场。这种新的制造和生产模式了单调的、有时甚是危险的任务,并使它们更加准确、和响应迅速。
Intelligent product connectivity enables devices to interconnect and communicate machine to machine (M2M). This enables them to make decentralized decisions. For many tasks, the company no longer requires employees to be present at all times. This new manufacturing and production model eliminates monotonous and sometimes dangerous tasks and makes them more accurate, efficient and responsive.
In addition to optimizing processes and tasks, digital transformation can also make faster and more effective decisions based on accurate and real-time data. In addition, training, modification and maintenance processes are no longer a problem because they occur less frequently and are largely automated.

4、 Create new business opportunities
New digital systems can create new sources of revenue by producing new products and / or services that the company could not previously produce. In addition, the introduction of new services (innovation or repositioning) is much faster. By making full use of big data and artificial intelligence, it is possible for companies to test, lead trends and predict which new developments will succeed among customers. These technologies can even make it easier for companies to become environmentally friendly and create products that are more environmentally friendly and less harmful to our ecosystem.
5、 Accelerate response to demand trends
The responsiveness of advanced production systems helps to quickly respond to demand fluctuations. Tasks can be rescheduled within a few hours, and products can be produced in a customized mode suitable for each consumer without wasting time. In this way, companies can achieve higher customer satisfaction without manually operating everyone.
6、 Cultivate competitive advantage
New technology improves the final result by integrating new functions into the production system, so as to improve the quality of manufactured products. This takes advantage of the differentiation of related products and provides added value for the brand. On the other hand, a comprehensive quality review is generated to ensure compliance with standards and different regulations. In addition, it allows employees to develop their potential and professional skills instead of undertaking tasks that have no intellectual value to the company.
7、 Stimulate innovation to fight subversion
Digital transformation promotes innovative culture and leads the company to discover new value propositions and upcoming trends. By cultivating data, the company may use previously undeveloped information to innovate and prepare for future trends, so as to save funds in the face of future interruptions.
8、 Enhance internal cohesion
The information flow generated by digitization promotes communication between departments and allows employees in different fields of the company to participate in projects and decisions and cooperate. In addition, it also provides enterprises with an overall view of different entities of the organization. This can lead to more profitable global management. On the other hand, the fact that information can be accessed immediately anytime, anywhere promotes work between different teams.
9、 Increase the use of data capacity
Digital transformation has established a decision-making culture driven by data collected by technical tools. The improvement of analysis system leads to the deepening of data understanding. This enhances informed decision-making, key recommendations and rapid response.
10、 Bring interest to new talents
Digital enterprises that keep pace with trends and processes are the most attractive to trained professionals with critical capabilities in this complex and disruptive environment. In addition, if change is managed in an appropriate and responsible manner, all parts of it will benefit, resulting in greater job satisfaction value for employees. Human motivation and effective digital tools will be reflected in the company's productivity and profitability.
Frequently asked questions about bolts and screws
1. What's the difference between a bolt and a screw?
Both bolts and screws can provide firm fixation in fastening applications. However, these fasteners are not the same. It is usually a self tapping screw with a spiral groove wound around the shaft. The thread of the screw is matched with the material passing through it to hold the screw in place. On the other hand, the bolt is not self tapping, and a nut is needed to keep it safe.
Screws and bolts are also different in shape and cost - screws are usually tapered, not bolts, and bolts tend to cost more than screws.
2. 螺栓比螺钉强吗?
2. Are bolts stronger than screws?
Yes, bolts provide greater retention strength than screws. This is partly due to the presence of washers, which distribute the load over a larger surface area. Because bolts have higher strength, they are suitable for heavy-duty, load-bearing applications.
3. 机械螺丝是螺栓吗?
3. Are mechanical screws bolts?
The thread of the mechanical screw can spiral up on the whole cylinder. This type of fastener is used with nuts or threaded holes, which technically makes machine screws bolts. Therefore, some people call them mechanical bolts.
4. 什么是螺母、螺栓和螺钉?
4. What are nuts, bolts and screws?
A nut is an assembly that is installed at the end of a bolt and helps it hold an object in place. A bolt is a non tapered fastener that uses washers and nuts to hold objects together. A screw is a tapered fastener that fits with an existing thread or creates its own thread in the material as the material rotates.
5. 什么叫无头螺丝?
5. What is headless screw?
Headless screws are sometimes called blind screws. The two types include set screws and set screws. For connecting wood, both ends of the set screw are threaded. The set screw is fully threaded and is usually driven by an internal wrench driver. When you.