Electric torsion wrench is suitable for steel structure torsion bolt. It is a special tool for torsion bolt.
扭剪螺栓分为M16 20 22 24 27 30六种国标扭剪螺栓 。当然,它们也可以定制,还有英制美制,但是国内普遍使用国标的多一些。
There are six kinds of national standard torsional shear bolts: m16202242730. Of course, they can also be customized. There are British system and American system, but the national standard is widely used in China.
The electric torque wrench is also divided into several different models, which are suitable for different types of bolts.
例如,X20J电动扭剪扳手适用于M16 20两种螺栓;
For example, x20j electric torque wrench is suitable for m1620 bolts;
X22J电动扭剪扳手适用于M16 20 22三种螺栓;
X22j electric torque wrench is suitable for m162022 three kinds of bolts;
X24J电动扭剪扳手适用于M16 20 22 24四种螺栓;
X24j electric torque wrench is suitable for M16 20 22 24 four kinds of bolts;
X27J电动扭剪扳手适用于M24 27两种螺栓;
X27j electric torque wrench is suitable for m2427 bolts;
X30J电动扭剪扳手适用于M27 30螺栓;
X30j electric wrench is suitable for m2730 bolts;

The electric wrench is different from the torque wrench. As long as you choose the right type of wrench, you can use it directly without adjusting the inside of the wrench.? Constant torque wrench is only suitable for large hexagon bolt, so be sure to distinguish whether your bolt is large hexagon bolt or torsional shear bolt.
There are also many brands of electric wrench in China. Their prices and quality are different.? First, it depends on the duration of the warranty, and then on the cost of repairing the parts. Generally, the quality of the products with long warranty time is relatively poor, so it's up to the manufacturer to find the right one, so that problems can be solved directly in the later period.
Precautions for operation of electric torsion wrench:
1.操作电动扭剪扳手时要保持警惕,注意自己在做什么,保持清醒。 请勿在疲劳,药物,酒精或反应下操作,操作过程中分心会导致严重的人身伤害。
1. Keep alert when operating the electric wrench, pay attention to what you are doing and keep sober. Do not operate under fatigue, drugs, alcohol or treatment reaction. Distraction during operation may cause serious personal injury.
2.使用装置。 始终配戴护目镜。使用防尘面具、防滑鞋、帽、听力防护等装置能减少人身伤害。
2. Use safety devices. Always wear goggles. The use of dust masks, anti-skid safety shoes, safety helmets, hearing protection and other devices can reduce personal injury.
3.避免突然启动。确保开关在插入插头时处于关断位置。 手指放在已接通电源的开关上或开关处于接通时插入插头可能会导致危险。
3. Avoid sudden start-up. Make sure that the switch is in the off position when the plug is inserted. It may be dangerous to put your finger on the switch that has been turned on or insert the plug when the switch is turned on.
4. Store the idle electric torque wrench out of the reach of children. Do not let people who are not familiar with the electric torque wrench or do not understand these instructions operate it. It is dangerous for the electric torque wrench in the hands of untrained users.